SDHS: Monday March 23 Update 

Good Evening Parents,

Our first day of remote learning is complete and our students and staff did exceptionally well. Based on close monitoring and direct conversations with students, staff, and parents, the day went smoothly and took one step toward continuing student learning and engaging students through our new remote learning processing. As we move forward here are a few points to continue to reinforce with your son or daughter as they continue to settle into this new normal:

1. Establish a consistent place in the home where student learning can take place. High school students will often want to work on a bed, couch, or other comfortable setting. You may want to suggest an alternative such as a desk, table, or setting where they will be able to engage in learning for longer periods of time. Leave the couch for relaxing time, not necessary learning time. 

2. Work toward a consistent schedule of waking and sleeping. Teenage sleep patterns can deviate substantially if allowed to go without structure. Work with your son or daughter to establish a consistent time to wake up in the morning. Also, have them communicate their daily class routine with you. They should have set times for class and instructional learning and should be able to communicate them after a few days of remote learning. 

3. As you assist your child in navigating technology, you may find some snags. I've had conversations with parents regarding multiple students, parents, and family members sharing bandwidth. This will require family conversations on who uses what technology and at what times technology is used. Our high school staff has worked hard to develop lessons to continue learning, many of which do not require technology and going online. Most classes have a Google Classroom associated with the course which serves as a place where assignments, expectations, projects, etc are located. 

4. Lastly, if your son or daughter has questions regarding the course, assignments, expectations, etc., please have them communicate directly with their teacher as that is the first step in resolving issues quickly and efficiently.


Expect to hear from me on Wednesday and provide you with a progress report on how we are doing and a few helpful tips on how to maintain our positive momentum.


Have a good Monday night.

Mr. Bousley

Posted by jmeacham On 29 March, 2020 at 3:10 PM